
Narrater quotes darkest dungeon
Narrater quotes darkest dungeon

narrater quotes darkest dungeon

And if you take his side just because he's an edgy atheist that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ religion 24/7 then you're a small-minden person that apparently missed the memo that the Ancestor is supposed to be the villain, while the Church of The Light are the good guys. I'd take the Fanatic a hundred times over the arrogant scrap of infectious ♥♥♥♥ the Ancestor is. In all his narrations he shows as if he wants redemption, but when it comes to the Miller he becomes insufferably mocking and spiteful as if the Miller bullied him when he was a kid. Not to mention the logically unexplainable, sheer contempt and hatred he feels towards the Miller, which is unlike everything else he's done in the game. He's not wise or tolerant at all, he's a loathsome psychopath and I could watch the Fanatic hammering stakes in all his body orifices all day long on loop. He just needs someone to curse and drag across the mud to try and make himself look better. The fake moral high ground he suddenly and conceitedly takes against the Fanatic is the height of impertinence and hypocrisy and shows how truly delusional the old bastard is. He threw any and all caution and foresight to the wind and did everything under the stars for his own amusement and gleeful pleasure and when consequences were about to bite him in the ass, he just conjured up a bigger ♥♥♥♥♥♥ to erase it. You do realize that this quote just shows how much a huge hypocrite and blind zealot the Ancestor himself is? He indulged in sadistic parties not unlike the 120 days of sodom and then turned his fellow scoundrels to vampires, when he received a vision of what's below instead of feeling regret and PTSD for life he felt triumph, he mass murdered people under his own rule using evil rituals, botched monsters and hired bandits, he double-crossed even his own henchmen. This perfectly sums up how I feel about zealots. This man is an animal - rabid, destructive, and incapable of nuanced understanding. A world view buttressed by dogmatic desperation invariably leads to single-minded fanaticism, and a need to do terrible things in the name of righteousness.

narrater quotes darkest dungeon

Originally posted by SWEDr Brobotnik:"Madness can take many forms, but none so contemptible as man's belief in a mythology of his own making.

Narrater quotes darkest dungeon